Thai Kun

It’s Tuesday afternoon and my next destination is at Thai Kun located in the hip Domain district of Austin. I’ve been hearing a lot about this area as it’s the city’s new favorite watering hole and eating destination.


I got in around 6 pm and strolled around for a bit to feel the vibe of the neighborhood and I must admit that Austin is slowly growing on me. I haven’t met Chef Thai Changthong in person yet, but I’ve been a fan of his cooking for quite some time now. There is just something about the sweet and spicy flavor combination of Thai cuisine that always makes you yearn for more.

As we made our way to the Northern side of Domain and saw the façade of Thai Kun, I was so impressed with the design as it really mimicked Thailand. The outdoor patio was set up for proper social distancing and umbrellas decked the table to protect you from the warm sun and cold rain. The wait staff greeted us courteously and ushered us to our table outside. Service is a key aspect of how customers will enjoy their dining experience and Thai Kun is known for their outstanding service aside from the quality of food that the kitchen serves.

Alas, our meal is about to start and upon mentioning the specials which were a fried whole snapper and a 12 oz rib eye which of course we both ordered.

Our first appetizer was the taro crisps which were shredded and fried and served in their famous boom sauce. This was so good that we almost immediately finished it right away. The boom sauce had all the flavors of a classic Thai sauce with a balance of sweetness, spiciness, and saltiness.

Our first appetizer was the taro crisps which were shredded and fried and served in their famous boom sauce. This was so good that we almost immediately finished it right away. The boom sauce had all the flavors of a classic Thai sauce with a balance of sweetness, spiciness, and saltiness.

The tamarind chili wings was next on our table and this was fried crisp to perfection while keeping the inside moist and the tamarind sauce coated the wings nicely.

The tamarind chili wings was next on our table and this was fried crisp to perfection while keeping the inside moist and the tamarind sauce coated the wings nicely.


The crab fried rice shortly followed after and this had a nice balance of crab and fish sauce with herbs and cucumber that made me go back for more.

The classic Pad Thai has just been served and this had a sweet and sour sauce to it that coated the noodles nicely and gave it a unique twist.

The classic Pad Thai has just been served and this had a sweet and sour sauce to it that coated the noodles nicely and gave it a unique twist.

The 3 pound wild caught red snapper just arrived to our table and this was nicely deep fried and tossed in a tamarind chili sauce that went perfectly with the fresh fish.

The 3 pound wild caught red snapper just arrived to our table and this was nicely deep fried and tossed in a tamarind chili sauce that went perfectly with the fresh fish.

12 oz rib eye cooked medium rare was our last dish for the night and this was a perfect ending to the meal. It was served with a side of sticky rice and Thai pickles that accompanied the beef perfectly.

12 oz rib eye cooked medium rare was our last dish for the night and this was a perfect ending to the meal. It was served with a side of sticky rice and Thai pickles that accompanied the beef perfectly.

This was such an awesome experience, and I will be back for more for sure ☺

#KULINARYATRAVELS is back next for some more Texas BBQ with a trip to Terry Black’s Barbecue


St. Ambroeus


Franklin Barbecue